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2 Articles

Ubiquiti EdgeRouter IPsec performance

by Simon

ubiquiti-logoI’ve been working on setting up a lab environment for myself and decided to pick up a couple of Ubiquiti’s EdgeRouter 4 routers to act as my core routing devices, along with an EdgeRouter X to act as my out-of-band router. These new devices, along with an EdgeRouter Lite loaned to me for this article by Dom at LoveServers, puts me in a reasonably good position to do some performance testing between these different models of EdgeMAX routers. I thought a good place to start would be to compare how well these different models perform in terms of IPsec throughput and overall CPU usage at the same time.

Part of my lab setup will involve provisioning a couple of IPsec tunnels between the lab and my home network. So whilst this article will mainly focus on IPsec, I will be including some general observations/comparisons between the devices too which may be informative to some people.

Dual-stacking Proxmox Web UI (pveproxy)

As part of my recent (and ongoing) project to implement native IPv6 on my own infrastructure (except at home… I’m looking at you Hyperoptic), I decided to try to dual-stack as much as possible so that when I have IPv6 connectivity, services would prefer that over IPv4, without making things unavailable.

As it turns out, Proxmox’s Web interface (pveproxy) doesn’t listen on the IPv6 address family by default. This stumped me for a little while, but its pretty simple to fix when you know whats going on.

This post is going to spend most of its time explaining why this happens rather than the fix. If you’re just here to see how to do it, check below.